Studies for environment protection




Site report / baseline report (SR/BR)

  1. the state of the site, the existing pollution situation before the installation is put into operation, providing a reference point and comparison at the end of the activity.
  2. field of attestation:

    1. Energy industry
    2. Production and processing of metals
    3. The mineral industry

Air Quality Assessment and Management (AQMA)

  • carrying out air quality studies;
  • drawing up air quality plans and/or air quality maintenance plans;
  • presentation of the environment in which the agglomeration is located;
  • identification of the main emission sources responsible;
  • information on pollution due to the transport and dispersion of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere;
  • mathematical modeling of the dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere;
  • regional fund level assessment, urban fund level assessment, local fund level assessment;
  • the identification of emission reduction measures associated with different categories of emission sources, as well as the definition of scenarios for each individual measure.
  • Environmental balance sheet (EB)

    1. environmental assessment level 0, I and II;
    2. risk evaluation;
    3. field of attestation:
    4. 1. The extractive industry.

    Biodiversity monitoring (BM)

    Biodiversity monitoring consists in tracking over time changes in the structure and functioning of ecosystems, habitats and/or populations of some species as a result of the implementation of a plan or project.

    Within the biodiversity monitoring studies, certain indicators of biodiversity are determined and analyzed in order to draw up reports that are the basis for the realization of strategies regarding the conservation of nature and the protection of the studied areas.



    Dedicated informatics support for data processing



    Attestation certificate RGX series no. 431/29.11.2022, valid until 29.11.2025.