Energetic balances





Manufacturers and users of thermal energy obtained through fuels burning

Energetic balance on industrial outline (main manufacturing department/whole factory)




In order to avoid legal sanctions, manufacturers and users of energy must be according to Government Ordinance requirements no. 22/2008 which follows creation of a legal frame for elaboration and application of national politics of energetic efficiency. National politics of energetic efficiency is integrant part of state energetic politics and follows elimination of barriers in way of energetic efficiency promotion and of using the promotion at final consumers of regenerated sources of energy



  1. Government Ordinance no.22/20.08.2008 regarding energetic efficiency and promotion of using at final consumers of remerable resources of energy;
  2. Guide of elaboration and performing of energetic balances published in Official Monitory  Part 1 no.792 bis from 11 Nov. 2003.
  3. Order no. 38/2013 – Rule for authorization energetic auditors and Rule for attesting of energetic managers and accreditation of the companies for energetic services;