

Assessing the radiological risk to public health by usingnew composite binding systems in dwelling construction

Contract No: 712/2006
Director proiect:
chim. Ilie Gabriela
Telefon: 3188893/175
e-mail: gabriela.ilie@ceprocim.ro

1.1 Client: The MENER Programme, Faculty of Power Engineering, University Politehnica of Bucharest

Politehnica Faculty of Power Engineering, University Politehnica of Bucharest
Programul “Materiale Noi, Micro si Nanotehnologii – MATNANTECH”

1.2. Project Coordinator: CEPROCIM S.A. Bucuresti

Ceprocim-Research Division

ROMANIA, 6 Bucharest, # 6 blvd. Preciziei, code 062203
phone: +(4021) 318 88 84; 318 88 90; 318 88 93.
fax:+(4021) 318 88 76; 318 88 94.
E-mail 1: office@ceprocim.ro
E-mail 2: res@ceprocim.ro

Website: www.ceprocim.ro
Iso 9001

1.3 Parteneri :

Partner 1: The National Institute of Research and Development for Metals and Radioactive Resources

Partner 2: The Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest

Partner 3: The Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest

Str. Gheorghe Polizu, nr. 1, cod 011061, Sector 1, Bucuresti

1.4. Duration: August 2006 – September 2008


1.5.1. Scope:

The purpose of the project is to monitor the radioactive content in cement-based building materials with fly ash addition.

1.5.2. Summary:

The purpose of the project is to monitor the radioactive content in cement-based building materials with fly ash addition. The outcome of the project is a database on cement-based building materials with fly ash addition in the maximum admissible ratio for such materials.
The increasing use of fly ash in developing new composite binding systems is explicable by the properties of such systems that lend the systems technical and economical competitiveness and by the need to introduce waste into the economic circuit.

When concrete is prepared by using a binding system based on fly ash, the system will become a radioactively polluting source for the human body. The irradiation comes from natural radionuclides that are concentrated in the fly ash resulted from burning coal in power stations.
The project proposes establishing by means of investigations, tests, and physical and chemical analyses the fly ash/cement ratios that allow the compound product to become raw material for concrete preparations that should comply with legal requirements in terms of radioactivity.

These ratios will be distinctly studied for each type of fly ash from the main coal-based power stations in Romania, while assessment of the corresponding risk will be made in every case according to a methodology validated by the National Commission for Nuclear Activities CNCAN. The methodology will include assessment of effective doses of gamma irradiation and Rn 222 inhalation (radon or radium emanation).

The parameter characterising the radioactivity of concrete for dwelling building is the radioactivity index with a maximum admissible limit set by Order of the Ministry of Health OMS No. 381/ 5 in April 2004. The calculus of this index includes polluting radionuclides Ra226, Th232, and K40.

The project will set maximum percentages of inclusion for every type of fly ash into the finished product (concrete) so that the irradiation dose in dwellings should not exceed the admissible limits imposed by enabled bodies: the National Commission for Nuclear Activities (CNCAN) and the Ministry of Health.

1.5.3 Objectives:

  • Determination of the radioactivity index of the fly ash from the main power stations in Romania and the composite cement
  • Determination of the radioactivity index of the fly ash from the main power stations in Romania and the composite cement
  • Determination of the radioactivity index of the cement manufactured either by intergrinding or by blending it with fly ash
  • Assessing the radiological risk to public health when using fly ash cement in concrete preparation for dwelling construction
  • Dissemination of knowledge regarding the assessment of risk to public health when using fly ash cement in concrete preparation for dwelling construction.

1.5.4 Envisaged results:

The building materials (cement, concrete) will be investigated not only in terms of quality (as per the effective standards) but also in terms of their level of radioactivity so as to meet the provisions in the effective legislation (Order of the Ministry of Health OMS 381/June 2004).

The project outcome will set maximum admissible limits for fly ash proportions in cement and concrete in Romania so that the risk to public health due to inhabiting dwellings built with building materials including fly ash should be negligible.

1.6 Staff involved in the Projectt:

  • Scientific Researchers, Grade 1: Six individuals
  • Scientific Researchers, Grade 2: Four individuals
  • Scientific Researchers, Grade 3: Three individuals
  • Scientific Researchers: Thirteen individuals
  • Engineers: Eleven individuals
  • Eight titles of doctor in total

2. Stages. Results

2.1. Stage I: Determination of the radioactivity index of the fly ash from the main power stations in Romania and the ordinary Portland cement

2.2. Stage II: Determination of radioactivity index on the cement manufactured with fly ash as a raw material
materie prima.

2.3. Stage III: Determination of the radioactivity index of the cement manufactured with fly ash as an intergrinding addition. Establishing formulations

2.4. Stage IV: Assessment of the radiological risk to public health following the use of fly ash cement in concrete for dwelling construction

2.5. Stage V: Dissemination of the knowledge regarding the assessment of risk to public health following the use of fly ash cement in making the concrete for dwelling construction

3. Results

3.1. Stage I
– Chemical characteristics of fly ashes
– Characteristics of cements
-Analysis of polluting radioisotope concentrations in the U238, Th232 natural series radionuclides and the K40 radionuclide existing in fly ash
-Analysis of polluting radioisotope concentrations in the U238, Th232 natural series radionuclides and the K40 radionuclide existing in cements with addition.
– Was calculated radioactivity indices for fly ash and cement with addition.

3.2 Stage II
– Characterisation of raw materials for cements
– Characterisation of fly ashes for cements
– Development and characterisation of clinkers and cements
– Determination of polluting radioisotope concentrations in the U238,Th232 natural series and the K40 radionuclide existing in fly ash cements with the fly ash used as a raw material
– Was calculated radioactivity indices of the fly ash (as a raw material) cements

3.3 Stage III
– Development and characterisation of the cement with addition of fly ash in varying proportions used as an intergrinding addition. Establishing formulations
– Determination of polluting radioisotope concentrations in the U238, Th232 natural series and the K40 radionuclide existing in fly ash cements with the fly ash used as an addition
– Was calculated radioactivity indices on the cement with fly ash used as an intergrinding addition
Materialele care au stat la baza lucrarilor de laborator au fost:

3.4 Stage IV
– Development of fly ash cement according to the established formulations to be further tested on concrete
– Development and characterisation of the concrete containing varying proportions of fly ash cement
– Analysis of polluting radionuclides and determination of the radioactivity indices of the concrete prepared with varying proportions of fly ash cement
– Development and characterisation of the concrete with various kinds of aggregates and fly ash cement
– Analysis of polluting radionuclides and determination of the radioactivity indices of the concrete prepared with various kinds of aggregates and fly ash cement
– Estimation radiological risk to public health when using fly ash cement in concrete preparation for dwelling construction

3.5 Stage V
– Dissemination of information by scientific communication at national and international scientific events and publication of scientific papers and articles in speciality journals and magazines



4. Dissemination of information

The evaluation of the radioactivity of the fly ash used in obtaining composite cement – “ZILELE ACADEMICE TIMISENE” editia a X-a, Timisoara, ROMANIA 24 – 25 mai 2007

Assessing the radioactivity on composite binding systems by the use of fly ashes as raw material – International Symposium SIMI 2007 MEDIUL SI INDUSTRIA

The evaluation of the radioactivity of the fly ash used in obtaining composite cement – Romanian Journal of Materials 2007, 37(4), 296-299

Radioactive index gamma spectrometry, Bioremediation methods, ecological remediation methods – the 2th International Workshop on Geoenviroment and Geotechnics Milio Grecia, 8 – 9 september 2008

Determination of the radioactivity of the composite cement including fly ash – Conference on the science and engineering of oxide materials – CONSILOX X, Timisoara, Romania, 10 – 12 September 2008

Round-table : “Performance cementitious materials”